Sedentary Lifestyle: A Bain

Modernization has changed us all, we spend more time sitting or being idle than we do standing, let alone be physically active. The abundance of technology, the bad habits, the lethargic rituals and a tapestry of other factors have thrust many of us into a sedentary lifestyle — so much so, that we can’t let go of it. But, where there is a will to better, there is a way. You may not know this, but poor posture and excessive sitting are slow, silent killers. Shocking, but true. Here we look at three sitting and posture related factors and how you can change your lifestyle for the better — starting with the mind. Your mind is the key A healthy mind is a healthy body and vice versa. Excessive sitting is a physical health factor as well as a mental health issue . Did you know that being sedentary starts thinning certain parts of your brain? Well, it turns out that your medial temporal lobe (MTL) shows visible thinning when you sit for long periods — and the thinning of the MTL i...