What You are Entitled to When Working from Home | Portable Standing Desk - HumbleWorks
As the COVID-19 storm rages on, it looks like we’re buckling down for at least a few more weeks of home working, maybe more. If you’re one of the droves of professionals working from home during the coronavirus outbreak, there are certain standards that your employer needs to meet to ensure a safe, secure, and sustainable working environment. Yes, as a home worker, there are things you are entitled to right now. The question is—Are you getting them? Sector, industry or role aside, your employer has a duty of care to you as a homeworker. There are minimum requirements that your boss needs to meet. And, to make sure you get what you deserve, we’re going to tell you what they are right here. What you are entitled to as a homeworker If you are working from home for the foreseeable future, looking after your health is essential. Maintaining optimum levels of happiness and personal wellbeing shouldn’t be some far-flung luxury, it needs to be a...